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Local customs and laws in Scotland

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Visitors will generally find their Scottish hosts to be friendly and obliging. In fact, the level of hospitality should be a significant part of the enjoyment of your trip. Those visiting the Outer Hebrides, however, need to be aware of the strict observance of the Sabbath on those islands.

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Tipping in Scotland is at the customer’s discretion. In a restaurant you should leave a tip of 10-15% if you are satisfied with the service. If the bill already includes a service charge, you needn’t add a further tip. Tipping is not normal in pubs or bars. Taxi drivers will expect a tip for longer journeys, usually of around 10%; and most hairdressers will also expect a tip. As in most other countries, porters, bellboys and waiters in more upmarket hotels rely on tips to supplement their meagre wages.

Responsible tourism

Sustainable or eco-tourism has been described as: “…ethical, considerate or informed tourism where visitors can enjoy the natural, historical and social heritage of an area without causing adverse environmental, socio-economic or cultural impacts that compromise the long-term ability of that area and its people to provide a recreational resource for future generations and an income for themselves…” The Highlands and Islands of Scotland are beautiful, dramatic and wild, but also a living, working landscape and a fragile and vulnerable place. By observing the simple guidelines outlined on the previous page and behaving responsibly, you can help to minimise your impact and protect the natural and cultural heritage of this unique island environment so that it can continue to be appreciated by other visitors. For further information on what action is being taken either in Scotland, throughout UK or across the world to control against the negative aspects of tourism on the natural environment and traditional cultures, contact Tourism Concern in London (Tel: 020-7 753 3330) or the Tourism and Environment Forum (www.greentourism.org.uk).

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