

Tom Buidhe

Meaning: Yellow Hill
Munro Region: Glen Shee to Mount Keen
Munro Number: 204
Height in Metres: 957
Height in Feet: 3140
OS Map Reference OS Sheets 43 and 44; 214788
Description: Of these four hills, Cam an Tuirc and Cairn of Claise overlook the head of Glen Clunie a few kilometres north-east of the Cairnwell Pass, showing shallow grassy corries and rounded shoulders to the A93 road. Tolmount, a few kilometres east, stands at the head of Glen Callater with a steep craggy face above this glen, and Tom Buidhe to its south is a rounded swelling on the Mounth plateau. The four can be climbed in a round tour from the head of Glen Clunie. 

Leave the A93 road 2km north of the Cairnwell Pass at (148800) and descend a short distance to cross the Cairnwell Burn by the old bridge, a remnant of the 18th century military road. Follow the Allt a'Gharbh-choire E for 1km by a path shown on the OS 1:50,000 map and cross the tributary coming down from the north-east. Continue ENE up the path which leads round to the north-east side of Carn an Tuirc and avoids the unpleasant boulder slopes of the east face and reach the flat stony summit. (3 km; 510m; 1 h 40min). 

Continue E across the summit boulderfield and, where the slope steepens towards Coire Kander, turn SE down a wide grassy ridge to the saddle from where Cairn of Claise lies 1.5km SSE. Climb the easy slope by a track which leads to near the summit. (5.5km; 620m; 2h 20min). A pleasant walk ENE down grassy slopes leads to a shallow peaty col from which a wide shoulder leads to Tolmount. (8.5km; 700m; 3h l0min). The summit stands near the steep headwall of Glen Callater. 

To the south the rounded top of Tom Buidhe rises from the plateau. It is best approached by going round the upper part of the shallow green corrie, one of the sources of the River South Esk, which separates Tolmount from Tom Buidhe. A short ascent SE up a grassy slope studded with a few boulders leads to the rounded summit of the latter. (l0km; 790m; 3h 40min). 

Return due W along the highest ground over Ca Whims. After about 2km bear WSW, contouring at about 970m between the upper slopes of Cairn of Claise on one's right and steepening ground dropping towards the Caenlochan Glen on one's left. This traverse across tussocky grass and blaeberry leads in about 2km to the smooth ground of the watershed where the Mounth plateau is reduced to a broad ridge between the Caenlochan Glen and the Garbh-choire. 

Go SW along this ridge, following a vehicle track, to reach the path of the Monega road, the highest drove route in the Highlands, which comes up from Glen Isla over Little Glas Maol. The path crosses the ridge and leads NW down the spur of Sron na Gaoithe towards Glen Clunie. Follow it, and leave the crest of the spur to descend its north flank just before reaching the rocky knob at its termination. 

Below this the path disappears, but an easy grass slope leads down to the Allt a'Gharbh-choire which must be crossed to reach the bridge at the starting point of the route.

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Stob Binnein

Stob Binnein
Meaning: Probably Conical Peak
Munro Region: Loch Lomond to Loch Tay
Munro Number: 17
Height in Metres: 1165
Height in Feet: 3822
OS Map Reference OS Sheets 51 and 57; 435227
Description: Stob Binnein, rising just to the south of its slightly higher neighbour Ben More, is one of the most prominent peaks in the southern highlands. From many viewpoints it appears to have an almost perfect conical shape, well justifying its name. The ascent of Stob Binnein is often combined with Ben More to give one of the classic mountain traverses of the southern highlands.
The most popular ascent route to Stob Binnein starts from the carpark at the end of the public road 9 kilometres west of Balquhidder. From there climb directly from the roadside up Stob Invercarnaig, along the ridge to Stob Coire an Lochain (1068m), and up the final steepening slope to Stob Binnein.
The first part of the return goes back to Stob Coire an Lochain. From there an alternative descent route crosses the col at the head of Glen Carnaig to reach Meall na Dige (966m). Continue south down a broad grassy ridge to reach the road near the west end of Loch Doine.

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Cruach Ardrain

Meaning: Stack of the High Region
Munro Region: Loch Lomond to Loch Tay
Munro Number: 84
Height in Metres: 1046
Height in Feet: 3431
OS Map Reference OS Sheets 50, 51 and 56; 409212
Description: Cruach Ardrain is one of the best known of the mountains that encircle the village of Crianlarich. It has a fine pointed outline, enhanced in winter and spring when snow fills the steep Y-Gully on its north face above Coire Ardrain. In plan the mountain is rather like the letter Y, with ridges radiating from the summit north-west, north-east and south.
The north-west ridge provides the usual route of ascent. Recent tree-felling has made the original start, from Crianlarich Village, very muddy. Instead, start at the car park in Glen Falloch at map ref 369239. From there go south-east up the track on the south-west bank of the River Falloch for just over 1 kilometre, then go down to the river, cross a bridge and climb east up easy grassy slopes to reach the north-west ridge at the upper edge of the trees where the traditional route is joined at the ridge below Grey Height. Continue along the ridge over Meall Dhamh, down to a col and up the north-west shoulder of Cruach Ardrain to the summit.
Instead of returning by the same route, the traverse can be continued by descending north-east to a col leading to Stob Garbh (959m). Continue north along the ridge for about ½ kilometre, then turn north-west down into Coire Ardrain and continue across the corrie and through the forest to rejoin the uphill route.

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Ben Vane

Meaning: Middle Hill
Munro Region: Loch Lomond to Loch Tay
Munro Number: 274
Height in Metres: 915
Height in Feet: 3002
OS Map Reference OS Sheet 56; 277098
Description: Ben Vane lies to the south-west of Loch Sloy in the northern part of the Arrochar Alps. It is one of the steepest and rockiest of this group of hills. The south face rises above Coiregrogain at an angle of almost 45 degrees for 600 metres, and on other sides it is not much less steep. 
It is climbed from Inveruglas on the west side of Loch Lomond. Go up the private road in Coiregrogain for 2 kilometres and cross the bridge over the stream flowing from Loch Sloy. The way to Ben Vane continues up the south-east ridge. Despite the many small crags, it is not difficult to find a route upwards to reach the summit plateau.

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Beinn Ime

Meaning: Butter Hill
Munro Region: Loch Lomond to Loch Tay
Munro Number: 115
Height in Metres: 1011
Height in Feet: 3316
OS Map Reference OS Sheet 56; 255084
Description: Beinn Narnain rises at the head of Loch Long directly opposite the village of Arrochar and only a short distance to the north-east of The Cobbler. It is recognisable by its flat summit and the steep crags of the Spearhead Buttress at the edge of the summit plateau. Beinn Ime is hidden behind Beinn Narnain in the view from Arrochar, but from other viewpoints, for example from Ben Lomond, it is well seen as the highest peak of the Arrochar Alps.
Beinn Narnain is most usually climbed from the head of Loch Long directly up its south-east ridge. The traverse to Beinn Ime can be continued north-westwards down to the wide col called Bealach a' Mhaim and up easy grassy slopes to Beinn Ime. The return to Loch Long is best made down the Allt a' Bhalachain by a path which leads back to the head of Loch Long.
There are two alternative shorter routes to Beinn Ime from the A93 road. One starts from Glen Croe and the other from near Butterbridge in Glen Kinglas.

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Beinn Narnain

Meaning: Probably Hill of the Notches
Munro Region: Loch Lomond to Loch Tay
Munro Number: 255
Height in Metres: 926
Height in Feet: 3038
OS Map Reference OS Sheet 56; 271066
Description: Beinn Narnain rises at the head of Loch Long directly opposite the village of Arrochar and only a short distance to the north-east of The Cobbler. It is recognisable by its flat summit and the steep crags of the Spearhead Buttress at the edge of the summit plateau. Beinn Ime is hidden behind Beinn Narnain in the view from Arrochar, but from other viewpoints, for example from Ben Lomond, it is well seen as the highest peak of the Arrochar Alps.
Beinn Narnain is most usually climbed from the head of Loch Long directly up its south-east ridge. The traverse to Beinn Ime can be continued north-westwards down to the wide col called Bealach a' Mhaim and up easy grassy slopes to Beinn Ime. The return to Loch Long is best made down the Allt a' Bhalachain by a path which leads back to the head of Loch Long.
There are two alternative shorter routes to Beinn Ime from the A93 road. One starts from Glen Croe and the other from near Butterbridge in Glen Kinglas.

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Beinn Bhuidhe

Meaning: Yellow Hill
Munro Region: Loch Lomond to Loch Tay
Munro Number: 212
Height in Metres: 948
Height in Feet: 3110
OS Map Reference OS Sheet 50,56; 203187
Description: Beinn Bhuidhe is a rather remote and unfrequented hill situated to the north of the head of Loch Fyne between the upper reaches of Glen Fyne and Glen Shira. It is the only high hill in an extensive tract of featureless moorland between the head of Loch Lomond and Loch Awe, and its long summit ridge has three tops, the summit being the south-western one. 
The ascent is usually made up Glen Fyne. The road in this glen is private, so walk or cycle from the A83 at the head of Loch Fyne for 7 kilometres up the glen to the house at Inverchorachan. From there climb north-west to reach a high corrie below Beinn Bhuidhe and its north-east top. Climb steeper slopes to the col between these two points and continue south-west along the summit ridge to reach the highest point.

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Ben Lomond

Meaning: Beacon Hill
Munro Region: Loch Lomond to Loch Tay
Munro Number: 179
Height in Metres: 974
Height in Feet: 3195
OS Map Reference OS Sheet 56; 367028
Description: Ben Lomond stands in a conspicuous position at the southern edge of the Highlands and deserves its name meaning beacon hill, for it can be seen from a long way off, and in its turn it commands a wide view across both the Lowlands and the Highlands. It rises in isolation above the east side of Loch Lomond, and is reached along the road from Drymen to Rowardennan. Although Ben Lomond appears from many viewpoints to be a conical hill, the summit is in fact a short level ridge curving round the head of the north-east corrie. 
The normal route of ascent starts from the carpark at the end of the public road just beyond Rowardennan Hotel. From there a path is followed north-east to emerge from the forest onto the broad south ridge. Continue along it for 3 kilometres to reach the narrow ridge which leads to the summit.

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Carn an Tuirc

Meaning: Peak of the Wild Boar
Munro Region: Glen Shee to Mount Keen
Munro Number: 113
Height in Metres: 1019
Height in Feet: 3343
OS Map Reference OS Sheet 43; 174804
Description: Of these four hills, Cam an Tuirc and Cairn of Claise overlook the head of Glen Clunie a few kilometres north-east of the Cairnwell Pass, showing shallow grassy corries and rounded shoulders to the A93 road. Tolmount, a few kilometres east, stands at the head of Glen Callater with a steep craggy face above this glen, and Tom Buidhe to its south is a rounded swelling on the Mounth plateau. The four can be climbed in a round tour from the head of Glen Clunie.

Leave the A93 road 2km north of the Cairnwell Pass at (148800) and descend a short distance to cross the Cairnwell Burn by the old bridge, a remnant of the 18th century military road. Follow the Allt a'Gharbh-choire E for 1km by a path shown on the OS 1:50,000 map and cross the tributary coming down from the north-east. Continue ENE up the path which leads round to the north-east side of Carn an Tuirc and avoids the unpleasant boulder slopes of the east face and reach the flat stony summit. (3 km; 510m; 1 h 40min).

Continue E across the summit boulderfield and, where the slope steepens towards Coire Kander, turn SE down a wide grassy ridge to the saddle from where Cairn of Claise lies 1.5km SSE. Climb the easy slope by a track which leads to near the summit. (5.5km; 620m; 2h 20min). A pleasant walk ENE down grassy slopes leads to a shallow peaty col from which a wide shoulder leads to Tolmount. (8.5km; 700m; 3h l0min). The summit stands near the steep headwall of Glen Callater.

To the south the rounded top of Tom Buidhe rises from the plateau. It is best approached by going round the upper part of the shallow green corrie, one of the sources of the River South Esk, which separates Tolmount from Tom Buidhe. A short ascent SE up a grassy slope studded with a few boulders leads to the rounded summit of the latter. (l0km; 790m; 3h 40min).

Return due W along the highest ground over Ca Whims. After about 2km bear WSW, contouring at about 970m between the upper slopes of Cairn of Claise on one's right and steepening ground dropping towards the Caenlochan Glen on one's left. This traverse across tussocky grass and blaeberry leads in about 2km to the smooth ground of the watershed where the Mounth plateau is reduced to a broad ridge between the Caenlochan Glen and the Garbh-choire.

Go SW along this ridge, following a vehicle track, to reach the path of the Monega road, the highest drove route in the Highlands, which comes up from Glen Isla over Little Glas Maol. The path crosses the ridge and leads NW down the spur of Sron na Gaoithe towards Glen Clunie. Follow it, and leave the crest of the spur to descend its north flank just before reaching the rocky knob at its termination.

Below this the path disappears, but an easy grass slope leads down to the Allt a'Gharbh-choire which must be crossed to reach the bridge at the starting point of the route.

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